This is my art space. It's messy. It's disorganized. It's small. But it's mine. It's my space that has only my stuff. It's where I go to get away and escape. It's my space to clear my head and recover. Everyone should have their space that is just theirs. No receipts. No toys. No mail. Nothing that has anything to do with the daily grind. Whether this is a man cave, a she shed, a boudoir, a garage, or a garden, we all need that space that is just ours. Sometimes I just want to get away from the role of mom, wife, boss, coworker, and friend and just have my thoughts and be in my quiet space. This brings me joy. This space allows me to not be in my head about who said what and how I feel, but instead I can use that energy to focus on a tree or the color of a skyline. Yes, I'll get back to ruminating on other issues in my life, but in this space I am free of those worries. It's a nice mental break and it's one that I now see is not just important but necessary in my life. The idea of self-care or me time extends beyond a soak in the tub or getting your nails done, but having that time to really reset yourself so that you can take care of others. If you don't have your space, I highly recommend getting one. Even if it is in the corner of your living room where the cat seems to not care that it's off limits. That's Miko, by the way. She's our family's first pet and has made a huge impact on our mental health...even if she does chew through all of our cords.
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